For Authors


The material should be presented in Russian or English. The minimum length of the article (excluding abstracts and references) should be 5 printed pages of A4 format (approximately 20,000 characters including spaces), and the maximum length should be 12 printed pages of A4 format (approximately 40,000 characters including spaces), excluding the list of references and abstracts.

In the structure of the article, the following blocks are distinguished:


The abstract succinctly presents the main content of the conducted research and the obtained results. The abstract should be provided in Russian and English languages. Its length should not exceed 200 words.

Keywords: up to 5 words.

The text of the submitted work, in addition to the abstract and keywords, should be structured and include the following parts: introduction, main part, conclusion. The length of each part and their proportion are determined by the author based on the specific characteristics of the article.

In the introduction, the author substantiates the relevance of the problem under investigation, assesses its current level of scientific development, formulates the research objectives and tasks, provides justification for the theoretical and/or practical significance of the work, and formulates the hypothesis (if applicable). A separate section of the introduction should present the methodological foundations of the research. In the main part, the essence of the problem is elaborated in detail, including the substantive aspects of the research and its evidential aspects. The conclusions of the study are explained thoroughly.

In the conclusion, the author briefly formulates the generalized findings, main recommendations or suggestions. Other outcomes of the conducted research are provided. Forecasts and/or prospects for the development of the topic, as well as opportunities and areas of its application, are also outlined. Directions for further research and development by the author may be indicated.



The material is prepared using  «Microsoft Word» text editor (extension *.doc, *.docx). The following page settings are set  (Page Setup и Paragraph).

Table 1. Requirements for page parameters

Paper size

A4 (21.0 x 29.7)


Times New Roman


2.5 cm


2.5 cm


3 cm


2 cm

Size 12
Space 1
Tab 1


▶️Before the article title the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) code is placed. IMPORTANT: Providing the UDC code is mandatory. You can find information about the UDC by following this link: [](, or on any other resource convenient for you.

▶️The title is placed in the middle of the line in uppercase (Bold), skipping 2 line spaces above. After skipping one line space, initials of the first name and patronymic (separated by a dot) and the surname(s) of the author(s) are placed in the middle of the line (Bold, Italic). Surnames of authors are separated by commas. Then, after skipping one line space, the author's institution is indicated, followed by the author(s)' email address and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) (if you don't have ORCID, please, register at:

▶️The abstract in the original language of the article is placed after the author's information, skipping one interval. The main text of the paper follows the abstract, skipping one interval. Word spacing is set to one space. Abstracts, author initials, and keywords in two other languages other than the language of the article are placed after the list of cited literature.

▶️Footnotes and references to them are placed on the page of the corresponding fragment of the article text. Footnotes in the section of cited scientific literature are not allowed.

▶️References to literary sources are indicated in square brackets (e.g., [1], [3]) without page numbers (page numbers are provided in the bibliography). When the same source is cited again, the reference is indicated as "n+1" (for example, if the same source is cited consecutively in the article, the references will be [1], [2]), indicating the sequential number of the reference.

▶️The list of cited literature (in the original language) is provided at the end of the article, size 11, with a one-space interval after the main text. Sources are listed in the order they are cited in the article text. An English-language list of literature (REFERENCES) in the article is also mandatory. Subsequently, an English transliterated list of literature is provided with a one-space interval.

▶️Tables and figures must be numbered; references to tables and figures are mandatory in the text of the article. Table must have a title, and figure must have a caption.

IMPORTANT: The article must include an "Author Information" table, in which all marked fields must be filled in detail.




All articles that represent original, previously unpublished scientific research submitted to the editorial office of the "Vestnik of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University" and meeting the requirements for publication in the "Bulletin of RAU" undergo double-blind peer review.

Articles that do not meet the requirements for publication in the "Vestnik of RAU" will not be considered for review.