Vestnik (series: humanities and social sciences), №1/2024

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Galstyan A., Alaverdyan H. Analysis of the impact of trust on economic growth

ABSTRACT. Behavioral factors have a significant impact on the economies of countries worldwide. Among behavioral factors, trust is fundamental to economic development and stimulating economic growth. Thus, one of the main priorities of government regulation of the economy in the modern world is to stimulate positive expectations and increase the level of trust. In the framework of the current study, the authors have studied the influence of trust as a non-economic factor on the economy. The current study aims to analyze the impact of trust on the economies of countries with different income level. The object of study is the level of trust. The subject of the study is the relationship between the level of trust and economic growth. To achieve this goal, methods such as comparative analysis of foreign studies, systemic, and statistical analysis were used.
Keywords:   economic development, trust, behavioral factors.


Stepanyan I. Comparative analysis of systems of incentive payments for faculty and teaching staff in higher educational institutions of Armenia 

ABSTRACT. Teaching work, being a complex and creative work, needs a multifaceted system of evaluation and encouragement. Currently, many universities in Armenia apply a system of rewarding the work of teaching staff for scientific, teaching, social and administrative activities. However, there are some shortcomings and gaps in the existing systems. The article analyzes the actually used systems of additional payments and incentives for the work of teaching staff, and highlights existing problems and shortcomings. A comparative analysis was carried out in four higher educational institutions, state and interstate educational institutions of Armenia, and conclusions and assumptions were made.
Keywords:  incentive payments, higher education institutions, comparative analysis, scientific activity.


Donchenko A. The perspectives of the formation of the common financial market of the EAEU (on the example of the Republic of Armenia)

ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the problems of integration processes in the field of formation of the common market of the EAEU. Noted that mutual trade of the EAEU member states has historically been characterized by a high level of use of national currencies, while the weight of the US dollar in the overall structure of payments has been steadily decreasing over the past ten years. Also systematically presents the problems and ways of forming a common financial market of the EAEU, and proposes approaches for maximizing the use of the integration potential of the Union in this area. Author formulated a hypothesis, that in order to solve the problems of the financial market, it is necessary to minimize the problem of investment deficit, to make maximum use of the integration potential of the Union for the development of mutually beneficial trade, strengthening economic ties and successful economic development of the EAEU member states.
Keywords:  the Eurasian economy, social and economic development, industry cooperation, financial market, monetary policy.


Petrosyan G. Estimation of the linear relationship between the investment environment and the factors affecting it

ABSTRACT. From the theoretical point of view, the study of the factors affecting the social order, legal framework, business activity and investment environment has an important empirical significance. Identifying the factors affecting the investment environment and their coordination in external and internal spheres will enable the strategists to obtain greater information for the creation or improvement of investment opportunities in various spheres. It is also of great importance for reducing and managing negative factors affecting investments. This will lead to a reduction in the level of risks, which will certainly make the country even more attractive for investors, who can more easily evaluate and forecast their investments. In this article, an attempt was made to evaluate the endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the investment environment with the help of a linear regression model. Researchand Development expenses in GDP has the highest affection level in the model. This evaluation can be an initial point for researchers and investors for their investment strategies.
Keywords:  investment, endogenous and exogenous factors, linear model, research, investment environment.




Aleksanyan Sh. Foreign law and higher courts: possibility of review of judicial decisions rendered on the basis of foreign law

ABSTRACT. This scientific article explores the possibilities of the courts of higher instances in controlling the application of foreign law by lower courts in private law disputes. Within the research scope two distinct aspects are highlighted: control over the application of conflict rules of national law and control over the establishment and interpretation of foreign law rules indicated by the conflict rule. The review of the application of conflict rules poses no issues, as they are a part of national law. As for direct control over the application of norms of foreign law, some jurisdictions impose an absolute prohibition on reviewing decisions related to the application of foreign law, some take a middle position, allowing review on certain issues, and there are countries where higher courts have full powers to control the application of foreign law.
The current legislative provisions of the Republic of Armenia empower the courts of higher instances to review decisions based on foreign law, however judicial practice indicates a tendency to avoid applying foreign rules in general. As a result, there is a call for legislative changes in Armenia to require the inclusion of information about the content of foreign law in case materials, without limiting the court's authority to independently establish the content foreign law.

courts of higher instances, foreign law, conflict of laws, control, review.


Kirakosyan A. The international legal framework for the protection of an audiovisual work as a complex object of Intellectual Property law

ABSTRACT. In the developing world of information technology, an audiovisual work has an important economic and legal significance, taking a privileged place in the system of intellectual property rights objects. At the present stage of the development of legislation on audiovisual works, the domestic legal regulation on copyright protection issues is largely predetermined by the provisions of the international acts in this area.
This article is devoted to a complex analysis of the international legal system for regulating cross-border legal relations on the creation and use of audiovisual art products. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the modern system of international copyright protection in the audiovisual industry. The scientific article is accompanied by a study on the legal regulation of certain issues on the use of audiovisual works in the legislations of various states – parties to the fundamental international agreements. During the research, the Author uses both general scientific and special legal methods, including comparative legal, formal legal, logical and theoretical research methods. As a result of the analysis, the Author concludes that the legal regulation of cross-border relations in the field of audiovisual works protection is the preserve of national legal regulation, despite the fact that it is carried out on the basis of the international legal principles on protection of intellectual creativity

Keywords: copyright, international legal protection, audiovisual work, cross-border legal relations, conventional regulation.


Martirosyan T., Hovhannisyan O. Unregistered marriages. Legal uncertainty and practical problems

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to legal and practical problems not registered in accordance with the law marriages. The article examines the legal and practical problems associated with the prevalence of actual marriages men and women who are not registered in the manner prescribed by law. Put forward some proposals aimed at solving this problem. The article is informative for those who are in unregistered marriages. 
Keywords:  marriage, unregistered marriage, the actual marriage, civil marriage, property and personal non-property relations between spouses, marital property division.




Mirumyan R. Armenian model of national enlightenment (education and upbringing) as a mechanism for preserving the cultural authenticity of the nation. From paganism to the early Middle Ages (political and philosophical aspect)

ABSTRACT. The series of articles presented to the reader’s attention formulates and substantiates the idea that the modern education system is a reflection of “mutations” occurring in the social space, which, subject to their further spread, can bring to life serious mechanisms of a civilizational order with the prospect of the emergence of “post-human beings”. At the ideological level, the reason for what is happening is that science is given the status of the main engine of social development. This was carried out in two stages. First, “thanks to” positivism, knowledge began to be assessed in terms of its practical usefulness, and then, “thanks to” neoliberalism, the value of knowledge began to be determined by its economic benefits. The consequence of this was the dismantling of the “culture of knowledge” that had been developed over centuries and had become traditional, which entailed the destruction of the ideological and cultural foundations of the life of the person creating this knowledge. As a result, the natural form of community life for humans – the national state – began to collapse.
Keywords: national model of education, national culture, cultural identity of the nation, spiritual essence of man, national state, Armenian pagan temple schools, national tradition of education and upbringing, Armenian alphabet, Grecophilism in Armenia, Armenian national schools.




Iskandaryan N., Grigoryan V., Arakelyan A., Nazaryan A. Heroic woman and mother in the epic

ABSTRACT. The study of our article is the archetypes of the women in “Daredevils of Sassoun” as fragments of the spiritual life of the Armenian nation. In the article, we are analysing two archetypes – the woman warrior and the mother; and their dynamics in the subject of the epic’s content. The notion of these two archetypes is quite rich and numerous in the folklore studies. The heroines of the epic typify folk ideology about the beautiful and the heroic, they serve as bearers of the high system of values, and their actions and deeds are reflected in the whole colourful palette of the nation’s psychology and outlook. In both early and late epics (“Daredevils of Sassoun”, “Iliad”, “Shahnameh”, “Mahabharatha”, “The Songs of the Nibelungs”, “The Song of Roland”, etc.) where the hero usually has a supernatural origin, the woman also appears with an essential performance. Some researchers line the following types of women in the epics: woman the warrior, woman the avenger, woman the protector of the dynasty. Some of the heroines have the function of a wise advisor or a prophet, others have the role of a warrior, and sometimes these two come together.
Keywords:  epic, heroism, woman thewarrior, counselor woman, Amazon woman, great mother archetype, heroic mother.




Anisimova O., Makarova I. Symbolism of English language literature: aboutlabyrinth and ship (the cases of novels by Roger Zelazny and Gregory Normonton)  

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of two significant symbols of English language literature – labyrinth and ship analyzed in the novels by Roger Zelazny and Gregory Norminton. In the key book of an Americans cientific writer Roger Zelazny “Chronicles of Amber” the mythopoetic image of labyrinth is one of the principal symbols revealing the main allegory of the whole text. Initsturn, the understanding of the allegory of the debut novel by a British novelist Gregory Norminton “Ship of Fools” is based on the analysis of theimage ofship. In the novel by Zelazny the role of labyrinth is played by the image of Pattern symbolizing the universe, the source of self-awareness as well as the ritual of initiation, which helps the main character to understand his mission. In Norminton’s novel the ship represents the allegory of modern humanity lost in the waves of history. Apart from his predecessors Brandtand Bosch Norminton sees the destination of this ship differently believing that his contemporaries should be given a second chance. 
Keywords:  symbolism, English language literature, labyrinth, ship, Zelazny, Norminton..


Yesayan M. Meeting the current needs of the STEM students within the framework of FLT

ABSTRACT. For STEM students, fluency in a foreign language, particularly English, is crucial for envisioning a successful career. Improving language learning effectiveness requires a thoughtfully crafted approach that resonates with students' interests and ambitions. Thus, the main aim of the foreign language educators is to create and implement a teaching framework that gives equal importance to all four language skills. By integrating interactive exercises, authentic materials, and real-world applications, language acquisition and retention are strengthened. By tailoring instruction to students' interests and objectives while emphasizing the development of all language skills, educators can enable STEM students to excel in their academic endeavors and future professional paths. 
Keywords: STEM students, FLT, integrating techniques, linguodidactics, modern requirements.




Zakaryan H. Transmission of implicit information in text by intertextual inclusions

ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article is to clarify that the study of the theory of intertextuality is of great importance implicitly, in order to make sense of the artistic expression that is not expressed directly, openly, but is understood on the basis of explicit meanings, because in the text built with intertextual connections, which has a dual character in terms of its functional potential, multiple coding possibly, different meanings may be implied. The explicit meaning clearly expressed in an intertextual fiction text is sometimes capable of opposing the implicit meaning summarized in the text, creating difficulties in reading comprehension. Irony, metaphor, epithets, etc. are means containing implicit meaning. Using various metaphors, epithets, the author summarizes various concepts in the text, which implicitly participate in the construction of the semantic layer of the text, acquiring a unique semantic tone in the new text structure and being endowed with stylistic significance
Keywords:  intertextuality, implicitness and explicitness, literary text, metaphor, ellipsis, redundancy.




Ketova A. Emotional intelligence and psychological well-being of university students

ABSTRACT. This article is dedicated to exploring the role of emotional intelligence and psychological well-being of young people in the process of education at higher educational institutions. The significance of this research is underscored by the considerable societal interest in the development of emotional intelligence, recognised as a crucial personal trait enhancing successful interpersonal communication. Academic success and satisfaction with personal life serve as the foundation for psychological well-being, fostering a more positive perception of current events. The study identifies hierarchical and substantive characteristics of emotional intelligence and psychological well-being among college students, which are highly relevant and hold practical value.
Keywords:  emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, university students, emotions, personal growth.