Vestnik (series: humanities and social sciences), №1/2023

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Mirumyan R. Megacycles (Eastern and Western) of history in Ghevond Alishans’ historiosophy

ABSTRACT. In the article for the first time in Armenian studies is formulated the universal problem of the philosophy of history: the problem of genesis, direction of development, purpose and meaning of human civilization in the plane of correlation between the Eastern and Western megacycles of history...The author postulates and substantiates the thesis that the West, which calls itself the initiator of "human civilization" (as a historical/cultural cosmos), due to the worldview and ideological attitudes rooted in it, which inevitably led to the paradigm of globalization over time, brought the peoples of the world to that line, passing for which the possibility of the survival of all mankind on planet Earth is called into question. It is especially valuable that all the negative consequences for the peoples of the world were anticipated and substantiated by the prominent Armenian religious thinker Ghevond Alishan back in the middle of the 19th century
Keywords: megacycles of history, historiosophy, Armenian historiosophical consciousness, the historicity of the nation, the spiritual identity of the nation, the idea of scientific history.




Gyandjumyan E., Badalyan B. Comparative legal analysis of “Public servitude” in Civil law of RA and RF

ABSTRACT. This scientific article analyzes the legal nature of a public easement, taking into account its historical development. The authors consider the main legislative provisions for establishing a public easement, define the properties and role of public easements in modern Armenian and Russian law
Keywords: public easement, civil law, real right, limited real rights.


Nersesyan I. Several theses on current problems of realization  of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in the Republic of Armenia

ABSTRACT. The right to freedom of assembly in the conditions of modern democratic states plays a strategic role, as it is the guarantor of the development of democracy and the necessary basis for ensuring the effective operation of the entire institution of political rights of the individual. The main objective of this study is to identify current problems in the implementation of such a constitutional right as freedom of assembly, as well as to present several theses aimed at solving the identified problems. The analysis of legal terminology revealing the content of the right to freedom of assembly has been carried out. A study of the procedural aspects of the implementation of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly has been carried out. Presented some proposals for amendments to the RA Constitution and the RA Law “On Freedom of Assembly”. 
Keywords: public events, freedom of assembly, flash mob, electronic notification, digitalization. 


Gevorgian G. Ratio of rei vindicatio to actio negatoria in the Republic of Armenia

ABSTRACT. In this article the author analyses the issues of distinguishing of rei vindication and action negatoria, which is relevant in as much as in Armenian judicial practice courts often apply rules of actio negatoria to deal with cases, when ownership violation entails complete deprivation of possession. Such approach formed because actio negatoria, unlike rei vindicatio, is not restrained by limitation period of three years. Besides, judicial practice allow consideration of these two claims in conjunction, which is inadmissible in as much as different rules are applicable to deal with them,
for example rei vindication can be dismissed due to defendant is bona fide purchaser, whereas for actio negatoria good faith of defendant is not crucial. In this article where elaborated criteria’s, which will help to define proper remedy in cases, when ownership violation entails partial dispossession of property. 

Keywords:  rei vindication, actio negatoria, possession, property right. 




Voskanyan M. Analysis of the structure of the state debt of Armenia in the context of the impact on the rates of economic growth

ABSTRACT. The problem of increasing public debt in the context of the turbulence of the global economy in recent decades has been very acute. At the same time, while developed countries today still have the appropriate reserves that can offset the negative effects of public debt, including the fact that debt is usually domestic, developing countries, on the contrary, lose any growth opportunities by solving the debt problem. holes in which they were. The subject of the research is the structure of the public debt in the Republic of Armenia. The purpose of the study is to identify and assess the impact of the state budget debt burden on economic growth in the Republic of Armenia. The relevance of the study is due to the problem of increasing the public debt of Armenia over the past 15 years, as well as the negative consequences for economic growth during this period. To achieve this goal, the authors of the study use such methods as a comparative analysis of foreign studies, systemic and statistical analysis. 
Keywords:  public debt, internal and external debt of the state, Armenia. 


Nashikyan L.  Interest rate formation factors in the Republic of Armenia

ABSTRACT. This article examines the issues related to the analysis of factors that significantly affect the formation of the interest rate. In Armenia, the formation of the interest rate depends on many factors, including economic conditions in the country and in the world, inflation, the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Armenia, and others. The central bank can change the interest rate depending on economic conditions in the country and in the world in order to control inflation and stimulate economic growth. Considering the process of formation of the interest rate policy, external and internal factors that influence the formation of the interest rate in Armenia are singled out. 
Keywords: : interest rates, macroeconomic indicators, Central Bank.




Bashkin E., Berberyan A., Bychkova P., Novikova I., Sarkisyan I. Psychological well-being and attitudes toward seeking mental
health services in Armenian and Russian university student

ABSTRACT. The tasks of maintaining, preserving and preventing mental health are more relevant than ever in the current unstable situation associated with the exit from the COVID-19 pandemic and sharply aggravated international tension in the world. However, in Russian-speaking science, the problems of commitment to mental health began to be studied relatively recently. This article presents the results of a pilot crosscultural study on the relationship between psychological well-being and attitudes towards seeking mental health services among modern Armenian and Russian university students. It was revealed that the differences between the studied samples were manifested not in the absolute severity of the variables, but in the correlations between them. The research findings should be used in the development of active psychological education and mental health prevention programs among students.
Keywords: psychological well-being, psychological health, attitudes toward seeking mental health services, Armenian and Russian university students. 


Berberyan A., Kornilova O. The relationship of historical experience, components of ethnic identity and existential fulfillment of the

ABSTRACT. The article deals with the issues of historical experience, components of ethnic identity and existential fulfillment of a personality. We consider historical experience as an integral component of national identity, since the identity of a person, his awareness of belonging to his own ethnic group as a representative of a single community is determined by a sense of belonging to the historical process of his
people. We conducted an empirical study and revealed the relationship between historical experience and ethnic identity, which are presented as phenomena that are in a bidirectional relationship. 
Keywords: historical experience, ethnic identity, existential fulfillment of personality.




Yesayan M. The development of mediative competence and its experimental foundation in the technical faculty

ABSTRACT. In various technical faculties, students have to determine the main idea of a foreign language text, discuss its content, do translation, analysis, summary, reproduction of the text, identify the stylistic and
functional features of its linguistic means of expression. 
Keywords: mediation, mediative competence, realia, terms, translation skills, scientific text.