Vestnik (series: humanities and social sciences), №4/2023

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Voskanyan M., Nersesyan V., Nazaryan S., Karapetyan A. Evolution of legislative and fiscal regulation of equity financing in the U.S.

ABSTRACT. Equity financing is a cornerstone of the modern financial system and plays an important role in the economic progress of the United States. The methods of state regulation of equity financing are the object of special attention in the context of economic success of developed countries. This article reviews the history of the development of public regulation of equity finance in the United States, describing its development, impact and major factors. This article has attempted to provide an overview of the various stages of the development of equity finance, from the early stock markets
to the present day, in the context of the historical development of legislative and fiscal regulation, and the maintenance of equity finance.

Keywords:  equity financing, economic development, regulation.


Ginosyan K., Galstyan L. Peculiaties of anti-crisis management application to preserve the viability of an enterprise (on the example of LLC “Daroink”)

ABSTRACT. In this article, the features of the the crisis situation diagnosis are presented on the example of LLC “Daroink” and an anti-crisis management strategy is developed for the company under consideration. Thus practical steps are proposed to get out of the crisis and ensure its future development.
Keywords:  crisis, anti-crisis management, anti-crisis management methods, anti-crisis management technologies, anti-crisis management strategic.


Tovmasyan L. Tasks of personnel management in healthcare organizations

ABSTRACT. In modern conditions, personnel management is becoming increasingly important for the successful management of any organization, regardless of its field of activity. Particularly significant is the role of a strategic approach to personnel management. Under the conditions of strategic management, there are qualitative changes in the field of personnel management in all areas of activity. It is only through the development of human resources that one can gain a competitive advantage in the market.
Keywords:  system, personnel, human resource, sphere, strategy.




Sargsyan H., Simonyan T. Unraveling of judicial reforms in the State of Israel: assessing the impact on independence, democracy and power dynamics

ABSTRACT. This article investigates the extensive judicial reforms proposed by the Netanyahu administration in Israel, focusing on their potential impact on judicial independence and the broader democratic framework. The analysis places the Israeli situation within the context of global trends in the politicization of judiciaries, referencing examples from the United States and the United Kingdom. Methodologically, the study adopts a multi-faceted approach, incorporating historical context, theoretical frameworks from scholars like Salon, Teodoro, and Edelman, and a comparative legal analysis with the UK system. A comparative analysis with the UK system reveals significant differences, particularly in safeguards against unchecked legislation. The article critiques the feasibility of the reforms, pointing out their potential consequences for judicial independence, societal divisions, and the overall democratic fabric. 
Keywords: Politicization of the judiciary, judicialization of politics, judicial reforms, feasibility of reforms, doctrine of reasonableness, Basic Laws.


Hovhannisyan H. The Kurdish demographic problem in Turkey and its perception by the Turkish political class

ABSTRACT. In this article, we have studied demographic indicators such as the share of the Kurdish ethnic group in the ethnic composition of the population of Turkey, conducted a comparative analysis of the age structure, fertility rates, the number of marriages and population growth rates in the Turkishspeaking and Kurdish-speaking environment by regions of Turkey. The intrastate migration processes are studied, the demographic forecast is given on the basis of existing trends. The assessment of the level of commitment to Turkish statehood among Turkish Kurds is given, the influence of existing trends on domestic political processes in Turkey, as well as the impact of centrifugal processes in Syria, Iraq and Iran on them is analyzed. The perception of the problem by the Turkish political class is analyzed, in particular, the assessments and appeals of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are considered.
Keywords: demography, birth rate, Kurds, Turkey, Recep Erdogan.




Matinyan K. The problem of dialect language translation in fiction prose

ABSTRACT. Literary translation is always a transcultural process, one of the most important components of the global intercultural communicative system. One of the difficulties often faced by translators is dialectal text or dialectal and colloquial elements in the translated work. When translating from one language to another, not only the external linguistic image changes, but often the internal one as well. Dialectal elements in the original text are specific cultural information. Being a regionally limited, localised phenomenon of linguistic reality, dialectal elements are connected with
the history, linguistic and cultural peculiarities of a given region, a given social environment. The problem of translating dialectal vocabulary in prose texts, which has no generally accepted standard, continues to be a topical issue in modern translation studies.

Keywords:  translation,dialectal lexic, language standardisation, transformation, language code.




Avakyan M. Armenian architecture in the light of various symbols (pre-masonic, etc.)

ABSTRACT. The present article explores the influence of Masonic ideology about the mutual influence of Masonic ideology and ancient teachings on the field of culture on culture, specifically focusing on the foundations of theworldview, that is of architecture, which remains insufficiently explored in contemporary scientific literature. This might be due to researchers and the public largely neglecting this “unorthodox” topic, and perhaps due to the lack of factual historical material, often related to Masonic lodges' secrecy rules regarding many of their rites and rituals, as well as the clandestine nature of their members' affiliation to the secret brotherhood. 
Keywords:  architecture, Freemasonry, Armenian architecture, Freemasons.




Hovhannisyan A., Harutyunyan A., Eminyan G., Nerkararyan N. Adolescents' perception of the content of education 

ABSTRACT.The article refers to the perception of the content of upbringing by adolescents. The goal of education was considered in a non-traditional format, from the perspective of a future citizen, employee and family member The article highlights the processes of formation of a future citizen, employee and family member, determined by the ultimate goal of education, students’ ideas about the content of education, as well as problems in educational institutions related to the need to solve educational problems during lessons. As a result of the analysis, appropriate conclusions and recommendations were made. In the article, the process of forming a future citizen, worker, and family member arising from the ultimate goal of education, the students' perception of its content, as well as the need to solve problems related to educational subjects in public educational institutions were discussed.
Keywords:  family, citizen, worker, content of education, end result of education.


Ispiryan M., Manukyan A. Analysis of positive practices in forming media literacy of preschool children through network media

ABSTRACT. The article examines the practices of developing media literacy in preschool children using network media, presents the results of their analysis, sets out in detail the tasks, goals, process and experimental base of the study, and draws certain conclusions. 
Keywords:  media literacy, media psychology, media education, digital hygiene, network media, preschool age.




Arakelyan A. Language of cinema: modern means of expression

ABSTRACT. Usually we don’t think about film language, just as we don’t think about grammar when reading Dostoevsky’s novels. Even the most avid moviegoers most often watch movies in the broad sense of the word – appreciating the story, following the characters, enjoying the overall beauty of the image. This article will show you another way to get acquainted with a film – its deep “reading”, during which we not only get acquainted with the plot, but also consciously read many of the author’s decisions in various areas of film language. It is necessary to talk about cinema, argue, criticize, discuss, praise a lot and to the point. But we believe that it’s necessary to correlate the topics of discussion with the current problems around us.
Keywords: film language, director, film, actor, role.