Vestnik (series: humanities and social sciences), №3/2023

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Mirumyan R. Armenian Apostolic Holy church in the context of geopolitical interests of Ottoman Turkey

ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the activities of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople and assesses the activities of the heads of the Armenian Church in the context of the internal political tasks and foreign policy priorities of Ottoman Turkey. Main attention is paid to the activities of the Armenian patriarchs in the 19th century, when they had to pursue their church-religious policies in the context of a complex geopolitical game in which Turkey, Europe and Russia were involved. The core idea of the article is that in the politics of any state all forms of cultural creativity of the nation can be and are actually used and, first of all, religion as the main and still the most effective mechanism for uniting the people and preserving their identity. The main conclusion of the article is the proposition that only by preserving centuries-old national church and religious traditions the nation can ensure its spiritual and cultural identity and survive as a nation.
Keywords:  Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, Ottoman Turkey, Catholic missionaries, Protestant missionaries, Tanzimat, Armenian National Constitution, Armenian Question, Berlin Congress.


Sargsyan H., Avanesyan M. Strategic bases of educational policy of modern Turkey and Israel: comparative analysis

ABSTRACT. The article reviews the main trends in the development of educational systems of Turkey and Israel, the consequences of their ideological peculiarities on the process of formation of a competitive society. Emphasis is placed on the issues of globalization, readiness of both states to unify educational standards, reduction of the influence of the state on educational processes in the conditions of strengthening liberal tendencies. Despite the differences between Israel and Turkey, the two countries face similar, comparable risks and challenges. In addition, both countries have tendencies to reform the educational system based
on economic factors and taking into account the processes of digitalization and technologization.

Keywords:  educational policy, educational strategy, globalization, Turkey, Israel, innovation.




Tunyan A. Problems of judicial control in relation to regulative acts of the EAEU

ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the problems of normative control in relation to the legal sources of the EAEU, and examines the issues of implementing constitutional normative control within the framework of national legal systems. In accordance with the Treaty on the EAEU, the EAEU Court exercises the authority to normative control over the legal sources of the EAEU. In addition, international treaties concluded within the EAEU are subject to constitutional control in the EAEU member countries.
Keywords: EAEU court, international treaty, legal sources of the EAEU, national legislation, economic entites.


Amirova R. Some features of judicial protection of the rights of consumers of banking services

ABSTRACT. The article deals with some features of judicial protection of the rights of consumers of banking services within the framework of banking legal relations. In particular, it highlights the problems of challenging the decisions of the Financial Ombudsman in court at the national level with comparison with the best international practice. Special attention is paid to the problem of challenging the decisions of the Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Armenia on the merits. The conclusion is that the material and procedural basis for reviewing the decisions of the Financial System Mediator needs to be regulated and supplemented in detail. In the article, the author puts forward several proposals aimed at ensuring in practice the principle of effective dispute resolution between consumers of banking services and financial organizations.
Keywords: the right to appeal to the court, Financial System Mediator of the Republic of Armenia, review of the decision on their merits, effective protection of consumer rights.


Avetisyan D. . Guilt as a sign of the subjective element of the crime

ABSTRACT. The proposed article examines the question of the ratio of guilt and guilt, the specifics of the principle of guilt and the sign of guilt under the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia. The most controversial issues regarding the content of guilt as a subjective attribute of crimes are highlighted, some legislative proposals are proposed.
Keywords: : crime, guilt, guilt, the subjective side of the crime.




Voskanyan M., Nersesyan V., Nazaryan S., Karapetyan A. Innovations in the financial system: modern ways of evolution 

ABSTRACT. In the conditions of rapid technological progress and constant changes, the financial system undergoes constant evolution. This evolution includes not only traditional methods but also  innovative instruments of finance. This article attempts to provide an overview of the notable evolution of the financial system by focusing on the main instruments and innovations that have led to significant changes in the understanding and management of financial resources and investments. The most important innovative tools that contribute to the evolution of the financial system are characterized.
Keywords:  financial system, innovative tools, digitalization, decentralized finance.


Petrosyan I., Hakobyan E.  Analysis of the increased vulnerability and volatility of the macro-financial environment in Armenia as a result of the increased frequency of exogenous shocks

ABSTRACT. Due to the deepening globalization processes in the world, economic shocks are becoming an increasingly important factor in the development trajectory for all countries without exception, especially for underdeveloped and developing economies, which are more vulnerable to economic instability and non-diversified. This is due to the fact that the economic boundaries of national economies are gradually disappearing and the level of their interdependence is increasing, which determines the transmission of exogenous shocks through various economic, trade and financial flows from one country to another, having a chain character. In this paper, the objective was to identify the main channels of exogenous shocks transmission in Armenia and to analyze the increased vulnerability and volatility of Armenia's macro-financial environment as a result of increased frequency of exogenous shocks. 
Keywords: exogenous shocks, macrofinancial environment, volatility.


Voskanyan M.  Accumulative pension funds as a source of “long money” for the Armenian economy: risks for developing markets

ABSTRACT. The funded pension insurance system, both in theory and in practice, solves many important problems from the point of view of the country's economic development. In particular, the social issue is being resolved, it largely contributes to the equalization of incomes of the population, increases the level of the population of retirement age, and many other social and economic tasks. However, when it comes to developing markets, the funded pension insurance system requires a more careful attitude both from supervision and from the point of view of the very mechanisms and principles for implementing the funded pension system in the country.
Keywords:  pension savings funds, pension insurance, pension systems, economic growth, securities.


Tumanyan M. Export and import assessment of Armenian high tech industry

ABSTRACT. This article analyzes the key aspects of assessing Armenia's export and import of high-tech products and services, exploring the trade structure, dynamics, impact on the economy, and development prospects. In modern conditions, the global export inport of high-tech products is becoming increasingly important, since without this effective integration into the global economic space is impossible. The size of the country’s export and inport potential characterizes its competitive opportunities in the international market. The growth of export capacity is based on the development of services, the most attractive of which in the XXI century is information technology.
Keywords: economic development, export, import, high-tech.




Kalashyan M. The problem of implementing collective responsibility in environmental ethics: the need for comprehensive moral and legal interaction

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the issue of considering the discourse of collective responsibility, which is progressively gaining ground, sometimes competing with the classical perception of responsibility as a form of individual imputation. Since the last quarter of the 20th century, the consequence of the ethical understanding of the expansion of scientific and technical human activity into the sphere of nature has been the theoretical formulation of such a form of collective responsibility as environmental. The article will attempt to outline ways to implement environmental responsibility, taking into account the collective nature of the latter. It is concluded that for the emergence and realization of environmental responsibility, there are not enough means of exclusively moral or legal regulation, but their complex moral and legal interaction is required: the internal moral impulse must be balanced by external legal coercion.
Keywords:  ethics, collective responsibility, ecology, morality, law. 




Iskandaryan N., Grigoryan V., Arakelyan A., Nazaryan A. The motive of invulnerability in the epic of Sasna tsrer’

ABSTRACT. In folklore and epicology, the motive is comprehended as a minimum point of the plot. A certain amount of variations have been configured about it in the narratives of each nation. Such common motives are the mysterious birth of the hero, the friction between the father and the son, the tourney, the woman fighter, the weapons and the horse of the hero, the motives of the magical invulnerability of the hero, about which is talked within the comparative of the 20th century. A human’s belief in magical invulnerability is associated with simple visions about the immortality of the soul. Acknowledging ancient magical rituals, the narrators of the myths who were most familiar with mythical views, skilled the epic heroes with supernatural powers. The hero is represented as someone else and as a beholder of the supernatural power, that isolates him from the environment and gives an esteem. The power is given through hierophants or a ritual, such as drowning in the blood/water with the entire body, bewitching prayer, receiving a sign from a supernatural creature (for example, a cross or an amulet), getting burnt by a fire, etc. In the archaic epic, the invulnerability is more connected with birth, meanwhile in the further folkloric narratives it becomes a typical characteristic only. Further progress and development are connected with some elements of the armour or the clothing which become the proof of the invulnerability of the hero.
Keywords:  epic, motif, magical invulnerability of the hero, comparative epicology.




Tigranyan S. Ibn Taymiyyah's criticism of shiism according to the work “Kitab al-Jawab”

ABSTRACT. This article makes an attempt to present Ibn Taymiyya’s polemics against Shiite sects using the example of the work “Kitab al-Jawab”. For a more accurate understanding of the topic under discussion, other works of the author are also considered. The criticism of Shiism should be considered in the context of the theologian's polemics against Christianity, Judaism, and various Islamic movements, as part of the author's zealous struggle against dangerous innovations in Islam. The article presents the teachings of various Shiite sects, which the author considers a threat to “pure” Islam.
Keywords:  Islam, Shiism, innovations, “Kitab al-Jawab”.




Sarkisyan H.  Science and education in the context of the formation and development of the cultural model of the Armenian nation

ABSTRACT. The cultural factor played a decisive role in the development of Armenian identity. The cultural model of the Armenian nation was formed in the early Middle Ages and was the result of a deliberate identity policy. The adoption of Christianity, the creation of the Armenian alphabet, and the independence of the Armenian church were the starting points for the formation of this model. Active translation efforts made it possible to grasp both Christian literature and ancient heritage. Of exceptional importance was the education system, which made it possible to reproduce the cultural model of the nation from generation to generation. This system was synthetic in nature, combining both the Christian tradition and the achievements of ancient science. In this context, various spheres of scientific knowledge reach a high level of development, becoming an important component of the cultural project. The cultural model of the nation made it possible to preserve and develop the Armenian identity even in the absence of statehood. This model still functions to a certain extent today, allowing us to unite Armenians spread all over the world.
Keywords:  cultural model of nation, identity politics, education, science, synthetic model of culture.




Eritsyan A. New formats of internet media. Some theoretical and practical aspect

ABSTRACT. In this study, we examined the features of the functioning of popular formats in modern Internet media and some theoretical aspects of genre-format transformations. The theses presented in the study can serve as practical guidance for developing effective content creation policies and increasing audience engagement.
Keywords: genre, format, mass media, audience.